How to Write the Reed College 2024-2025 Supplemental Essays
Applying to Reed College entails responding to an intriguing supplemental essay prompt for the 2024-2025 admissions cycle. This year, the prompt delves deeper into your passions and creativity. Here’s the prompt word-for-word:
For one week at the end of January, Reed students upend the traditional classroom hierarchy and teach classes about any topic they love, academic or otherwise. This week is known as Paideia after the Greek term signifying “education” – the complete education of mind, body and spirit. What would you teach that would contribute to the Reed community? (200-500 words)
Reed College is renowned for its rigorous academic environment and distinctive community spirit. The Paideia week is a perfect manifestation of this, emphasizing holistic education. Here’s how you can approach this unique prompt:
Understand the Spirit of Paideia
At its core, this prompt is seeking to understand your passions and how you can contribute to the Reed community. To begin crafting your supplemental essay, reflect on your interests and what you can offer. Remember, Reed is looking for enthusiasm and originality.
Choose a Passionate Topic
The topic you choose to teach should be something you genuinely love. It could be related to academics or something entirely different, like a hobby or an unconventional skill. For instance, you might teach:
A niche academic topic: Teach a class on astrobiology or ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.
Practical skills: Conduct a workshop on digital art or wilderness survival.
Philosophical or cultural subjects: Lead a discussion on existentialist literature or Japanese tea ceremonies.
Regardless of your choice, your passion for the subject should shine through. If you're unsure about how to present your ideas clearly, Sups AI can help you brainstorm and refine your topic.
Connect with Reed’s Values
Reed values intellectual curiosity and a commitment to community. Your essay should reflect these values. Explain how teaching your chosen topic will benefit the Reed community and contribute to the holistic education approach of Paideia. For example:
Why is your topic important? Showcase its relevance and significance.
How does it engage the mind, body, or spirit? Discuss the broader impact of learning this topic.
How will it foster community and collaboration? Consider interactive or discussion-based elements.
Use Sups AI to get feedback from current students at Reed and ensure your essay captures the essence of the college’s values.
Be Unique and Personal
Make sure your essay is personal and unique to you. Anecdotes, personal experiences, and your unique perspective can make your essay stand out. For example, if you’re teaching a class on cooking, share a story about a specific recipe that has significance to you and your family. This human touch can make your essay more memorable.
Polish Your Writing
Once you’ve crafted your essay, it’s crucial to revise and polish it. Editing for clarity, grammar, and conciseness will make a big difference. Don’t hesitate to seek help from Sups AI for professional feedback and advice. With feedback from over 10,000 successful students, Sups AI is a valuable resource for fine-tuning your work.
In conclusion, the 2024-2025 Reed College supplemental essay is an opportunity to showcase your passions and how you will contribute to the Reed community. By reflecting on the spirit of Paideia, choosing a topic you're passionate about, connecting with Reed’s values, being unique and personal, and polishing your writing, you can craft a compelling essay that sets you apart. Good luck!