How To Write Rice University’s “Why Us” Essay
How To Write Rice University’s “Why Us” Essay
Apr 28, 2024
Apr 28, 2024

Crafting a “Why Us” essay for Rice University is about pinpointing the precise elements of the Rice experience that resonate with your personal aspirations and academic goals. With a concise word limit of 150 words, clarity is crucial. Here’s how to articulate a focused and impactful response.
Start with Specific Rice Features
Begin by identifying unique offerings at Rice that align with your interests. Mentioning aspects such as Residential Colleges, O-Week, Beer Bike, The Hoot, and East-West, SSI, PCA’s, or ODEK shows that you’re not only familiar with Rice specific jargon, but that you are excited for these unique traditions and opportunities. Be selective– choose the ones that genuinely connect with you.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to find more unique Rice offerings!
Connect to Your Goals
Explain why these specific Rice features matter to you. How do they align with what you’re seeking in a college experience? For example, if you’re excited about the Residential Colleges, discuss how living and learning in such a close-knit community fits with your collaborative nature or leadership aspirations.
Reflect On Your Values
Rice is looking for students who embody their values of community, diversity, and innovation. Illustrate how your values intersect with these, and how you see yourself contributing to and growing within Rice’s community.
Write with Precision
With only 150 words, every sentence must serve a purpose. Write succinctly, and avoid any filler. Make sure each word contributes to presenting a clear, cohesive picture of why Rice is the perfect fit for you.
Concluding Thoughts
Remember, the “Why Us” essay is a chance to show Rice that you’re not just a great candidate on paper but also someone who will actively engage in and enrich their community. Use this essay to make a strong, personal connection with Rice University.
List of Unique Rice Offerings
Student Activities/Rice Traditions:
O-Week: First week for freshman orientation. You will be in a group with your O-Week siblings (other freshman/matriculating students) and 3-5 O-Week parents (upperclassmen who act as your mentors). Helps students get ready for the college experience: receives academic planning help from O-Week PAA’s (Peer Academic Advisors), and experiences a variety of fun activities related to club exploration, learning about your residential college, and lots of dancing.
Beer Bike: The biggest tradition at Rice University. Each residential college cheers on their bike and chug teams as they race relay style to take home a win. The day involves a variety of fun activities such as being in the world’s biggest water balloon fight, color war, and a campus wide parade!
Academic Resources:
OEDK: Building that provides a variety of workshops and tools to help you build cool things. From laser cutting wood to having access to 3D printers, this is an engineer’s and creative’s dream building.
PCA’s: Stands for Peer Career Advisors. These are fellow students that trained by the CCD (Center for Career Development) to help you review your resume and discuss future career opportunities.
PAA’s: Stands for Peer Academic Advisors. These are fellow students that help you plan your academic schedule, not only helping you organize a 4 year plan, but sharing wisdom from their own academic journey.
OAA: Office of Academic Advising. Provides academic guidance and support to students at Rice University.
Other Resources:
SSI: Student Success Initiatives. Department that funds various student initiatives to enhance success and support such as O-Week, First Year Programs, RESP (Rice Emerging Scholars Program), and FGLI support.
OISS: Supports international students and scholars at Rice University.
Study Abroad: Facilitates opportunities for students to study in international locations. (Many Rice students will study abroad during the summer/semester while being an undergraduate.)
CLIC: Offers resources and support for student learning languages and academic success– promotes multilingualism and opportunities to study abroad.
Popular Clubs:
Rice Thresher: Student-run newspaper providing news and information to the Rice University community.
KTRU: Rice’s very own radio station. Students can be DJ’s or take on larger roles such as organizing the annual ODS (outdoor showcase). Cool place to discover lots of new music with their giant wall-to-ceiling CD collection.
RPC (Rice Program Council): Organizes fun campus wide events and activities for the Rice University community– notable events include Screw-Yer-Roommate (campus wide blind dating), Night Bites (delicious catered foods before exams), and formals (like college prom).
SA (Student Association): Undergraduate campus wide student government that serves to represent student interests and concerns.
Rice Robotics: Club focused on robotics projects and competitions.
Kesem: Supports children affected by a parent’s cancer through various programs– hosts summer camps and other wholesome events throughout the school year.
Cultural Clubs: RBMA (Rice Black Men’s Association), VSA (Vietnamese Student Association), SAS (South Asian Society), RTA (Rice Taiwanese Association), HACER( Hispanic Association for Cultural Enrichment at Rice), CSA (Chinese Student Association), RASA (Rice African Student Association)
Rice Business Society: Business-focused club providing networking and professional development opportunities.
Rice ECLIPSE: Builds rockets and rocket engines, attends intercollegiate rocketry competitions.
BASYK: Hip hop and K-pop dance group. Largest performance is called CYPHER which occurs annually featuring student dances, directors, and choreographers.
IM Sports: Offers recreational sports opportunities for students, including sports like Powderpuff, basketball, soccer, billiards, and more!
Crafting a “Why Us” essay for Rice University is about pinpointing the precise elements of the Rice experience that resonate with your personal aspirations and academic goals. With a concise word limit of 150 words, clarity is crucial. Here’s how to articulate a focused and impactful response.
Start with Specific Rice Features
Begin by identifying unique offerings at Rice that align with your interests. Mentioning aspects such as Residential Colleges, O-Week, Beer Bike, The Hoot, and East-West, SSI, PCA’s, or ODEK shows that you’re not only familiar with Rice specific jargon, but that you are excited for these unique traditions and opportunities. Be selective– choose the ones that genuinely connect with you.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to find more unique Rice offerings!
Connect to Your Goals
Explain why these specific Rice features matter to you. How do they align with what you’re seeking in a college experience? For example, if you’re excited about the Residential Colleges, discuss how living and learning in such a close-knit community fits with your collaborative nature or leadership aspirations.
Reflect On Your Values
Rice is looking for students who embody their values of community, diversity, and innovation. Illustrate how your values intersect with these, and how you see yourself contributing to and growing within Rice’s community.
Write with Precision
With only 150 words, every sentence must serve a purpose. Write succinctly, and avoid any filler. Make sure each word contributes to presenting a clear, cohesive picture of why Rice is the perfect fit for you.
Concluding Thoughts
Remember, the “Why Us” essay is a chance to show Rice that you’re not just a great candidate on paper but also someone who will actively engage in and enrich their community. Use this essay to make a strong, personal connection with Rice University.
List of Unique Rice Offerings
Student Activities/Rice Traditions:
O-Week: First week for freshman orientation. You will be in a group with your O-Week siblings (other freshman/matriculating students) and 3-5 O-Week parents (upperclassmen who act as your mentors). Helps students get ready for the college experience: receives academic planning help from O-Week PAA’s (Peer Academic Advisors), and experiences a variety of fun activities related to club exploration, learning about your residential college, and lots of dancing.
Beer Bike: The biggest tradition at Rice University. Each residential college cheers on their bike and chug teams as they race relay style to take home a win. The day involves a variety of fun activities such as being in the world’s biggest water balloon fight, color war, and a campus wide parade!
Academic Resources:
OEDK: Building that provides a variety of workshops and tools to help you build cool things. From laser cutting wood to having access to 3D printers, this is an engineer’s and creative’s dream building.
PCA’s: Stands for Peer Career Advisors. These are fellow students that trained by the CCD (Center for Career Development) to help you review your resume and discuss future career opportunities.
PAA’s: Stands for Peer Academic Advisors. These are fellow students that help you plan your academic schedule, not only helping you organize a 4 year plan, but sharing wisdom from their own academic journey.
OAA: Office of Academic Advising. Provides academic guidance and support to students at Rice University.
Other Resources:
SSI: Student Success Initiatives. Department that funds various student initiatives to enhance success and support such as O-Week, First Year Programs, RESP (Rice Emerging Scholars Program), and FGLI support.
OISS: Supports international students and scholars at Rice University.
Study Abroad: Facilitates opportunities for students to study in international locations. (Many Rice students will study abroad during the summer/semester while being an undergraduate.)
CLIC: Offers resources and support for student learning languages and academic success– promotes multilingualism and opportunities to study abroad.
Popular Clubs:
Rice Thresher: Student-run newspaper providing news and information to the Rice University community.
KTRU: Rice’s very own radio station. Students can be DJ’s or take on larger roles such as organizing the annual ODS (outdoor showcase). Cool place to discover lots of new music with their giant wall-to-ceiling CD collection.
RPC (Rice Program Council): Organizes fun campus wide events and activities for the Rice University community– notable events include Screw-Yer-Roommate (campus wide blind dating), Night Bites (delicious catered foods before exams), and formals (like college prom).
SA (Student Association): Undergraduate campus wide student government that serves to represent student interests and concerns.
Rice Robotics: Club focused on robotics projects and competitions.
Kesem: Supports children affected by a parent’s cancer through various programs– hosts summer camps and other wholesome events throughout the school year.
Cultural Clubs: RBMA (Rice Black Men’s Association), VSA (Vietnamese Student Association), SAS (South Asian Society), RTA (Rice Taiwanese Association), HACER( Hispanic Association for Cultural Enrichment at Rice), CSA (Chinese Student Association), RASA (Rice African Student Association)
Rice Business Society: Business-focused club providing networking and professional development opportunities.
Rice ECLIPSE: Builds rockets and rocket engines, attends intercollegiate rocketry competitions.
BASYK: Hip hop and K-pop dance group. Largest performance is called CYPHER which occurs annually featuring student dances, directors, and choreographers.
IM Sports: Offers recreational sports opportunities for students, including sports like Powderpuff, basketball, soccer, billiards, and more!